A Lancashire-based housing developer is optimistic the housing market will continue to perform well as it starts work on its latest development in the Ribble Valley.
Reilly Developments Ltd has begun work on the third phase of its Stonewater Close development in Barrow, Clitheroe, following the recent easing of lockdown restrictions.
The development will see ten high-quality, modern bungalows built at the site alongside sixteen homes from Reilly Developments’ two earlier phases. The ten bungalows at Stonewater Close are set in good-sized gardens, each with a large custom-built kitchen and dining area with two or three large bedrooms.
Michael Reilly, director of the Chorley-based firm, said: “Bungalows are no longer perceived as just an option for ‘downsizing’ at retirement. The more modern and bespoke bungalow developments now attract younger families looking for larger living spaces on a single-level and plenty of outdoor space.
“We’re delighted to get on site again at Stonewater Close and be working with our excellent team to provide these high-quality new homes.”
Harrison Drury’s commercial property team was appointed by Reilly Developments to continue to manage property sales and conveyancing services to prospective buyers after supporting them with phase two of the development in 2018.
Wendy Newbury, senior associate solicitor at Harrison Drury said: “This is an interesting time for the housing market. There’s likely to be pent-up demand for new homes following the lockdown and we may also see changes in the types of homes people are looking for.
“Homes with ample outside space and larger living areas are likely to be in high demand, so developments like Stonewater Close are going to be popular. It’s a privilege to be appointed by Michael and his team to handle the sales and conveyancing for these attractive new homes and we look forward to continuing to support the business as the market gradually returns to normal.”
Established in 1998, Reilly Developments Ltd is an independent, family-run business with 20 years’ experience in land acquisition through to completed construction. Reilly Developments employs 15 people and is part of the Reilly Group which has over 600 employees across its two offices in Chorley and Southampton. Previous housing developments include Lamb Roe Meadows in Clitheroe, Woodfold Hall in Mellor and Torver House in Osbaldeston, along with several developments in Winchester and Southampton.
Phase three of Stonewater Close will complete a housing development that commenced in 2015, with additional bungalows added in phase two in 2018. Phase three is expected to be completed by the end of 2021.