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James Robbins gains insolvency qualification

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John Chesworth Tuesday 24 September 2013

DSC_1061A solicitor from Harrison Drury has been recognised for his expertise in insolvency matters after passing a key exam.

James Robbins has gained the Certificate of Proficiency in Insolvency (CPI), passing the rigorous exam at the first time of asking.

James, who qualified as a solicitor in 2012, will now go on to study for the Joint Insolvency Examination Board (JIEB) exams next year. If he passes, he will in due course able to apply to become an Insolvency Practitioner.

Insolvency practitioners are appointed to deal with formal insolvency procedures for businesses and individuals. It is James’ intention to only deal with the legal aspects of such work.

He currently advises clients on contentious insolvency matters and is also helping to develop a team to deal with corporate recovery and restructuring.

Speaking on his achievement, James said: “It is great to have taken this major step in my career. I’m hoping to be able to use my new skills to help expand the offering to our clients as we look for further growth in this area.”

John Chesworth, managing director of Harrison Drury, said: “Passing this exam highlights James Robbins’s commitment to the field and his growing expertise in insolvency matters.”