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Claims Against Solicitors and Unregulated Will-Writers

Anyone writing a Will on behalf of someone else arguably has a duty of care not only to the person making the Will but also to the beneficiaries and to those who might be considered to be beneficiaries.  

Mistakes can be made by solicitors in the preparation of Wills, which upon the death of the person making the Will may result in a loss to one or more beneficiary or potential beneficiary. 

Harrison Drury act in cases where claims are brought by beneficiaries who have become disadvantaged as a result of the way a Will has been drafted or as a result of the professional not taking into account fully the instructions given for the making of the Will. 

We also act in cases against unregulated “wealth-planning” companies and unregulated Will-writing companies where they have given inappropriate advice and undertook the creation of legal documents that have a negative consequence for the person or persons concerned or implicated.  For example, many discretionary trusts are created unnecessarily as a result of poor advice given by unregulated Will writing companies who do not have the relevant experience and/or knowledge.  We can step in and advise on this area.  Where appropriate, we can take the necessary action to remedy the problems created and/or to pursue the company concerned for damages in respect of any loss suffered as a result of poor advice given. 

To speak to our contentious probate & trusts specialists please call us on 01772 258321 or make an enquiry below to see how we can assist you.

Meet our Contentious Probate and Trusts team

Edward Stanley

Partner Contentious Probate & Trusts
t: 01200 411195
m: 07584 373082

Kristian Torgersen

Apprentice Solicitor Contentious Probate & Trusts
t: 01200 401115

Victoria Taylor

Senior Associate Solicitor Contentious Probate & Trusts
t: 01200 377832
m: 07979 596097

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